Funny amsterdam sayings

1. "Even the pigeons in Amsterdam ride bicycles."

2. "In Amsterdam, the only thing that moves faster than the trams is the gossip."

3. "You know you're in Amsterdam when you see more bikes than people."

4. "In Amsterdam, the only thing more crooked than the canals is the tourists on their first bike ride."

5. "In Amsterdam, the only thing higher than the buildings is the price of a cup of coffee."

6. "In Amsterdam, even the tulips have attitude."

7. "You can take the person out of Amsterdam, but you can't take the Amsterdam out of the person."

8. "In Amsterdam, the only thing more confusing than the streets is the local dialect."

9. "In Amsterdam, the only thing more crowded than the cafes is the bike lanes."

10. "When in doubt, just follow the smell of stroopwafels in Amsterdam."

Above is Funny amsterdam sayings.

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