Funny cajun french sayings

1. "Laissez les bons temps rouler!" - Let the good times roll!

2. "Ça c'est bon, ça!" - That's good stuff!

3. "Fais do-do" - Go to sleep

4. "Ça va faire" - It will do

5. "Cher, fais pas ça!" - Darling, don't do that!

6. "C'est pas la fin du monde!" - It's not the end of the world!

7. "Ça c'est la vie!" - That's life!

8. "Ça c'est bon comme un bon gumbo!" - That's as good as a good gumbo!

9. "Fais pas l'imbécile!" - Don't act like a fool!

10. "Ça va pas la tête!" - Are you out of your mind?

Above is Funny cajun french sayings.

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