Funny card sayings for mom& 39

1. "Mom, you're the reason I'm fabulous... and slightly neurotic."

2. "Thanks for putting up with my teenage years... and my adult years too."

3. "Mom, you're the real MVP... Most Valuable Parent."

4. "I may not always say it, but I love you more than pizza. And that's saying a lot."

5. "Mom, you're like a superhero without a cape... or a secret identity. You're just awesome."

6. "Thanks for always being there for me, even when I'm being a pain in the you-know-what."

7. "Mom, you're the glue that holds this family together... and the one who keeps us from falling apart."

8. "You're not just a mom, you're a ninja in disguise. Thanks for always having my back."

9. "Mom, you're the queen of multitasking... and the master of making it look easy."

10. "Thanks for all the love, laughter, and laundry you've done for me. You're the best, Mom!"

Above is Funny card sayings for mom& 39.

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