Funny civil war sayings

1. "I fought in the Civil War and all I got was this lousy musket ball."

2. "I may be a Yankee, but I'm still a rebel at heart."

3. "I didn't choose the Civil War life, the Civil War life chose me."

4. "I'd rather be fighting for my country than arguing with my in-laws."

5. "I'm not saying the Civil War was a picnic, but at least there were no cell phones."

6. "I survived the Civil War and all I got was this lousy amputation."

7. "I may have lost the battle, but I won the beard-growing contest."

8. "War is hell, but at least the uniforms were stylish."

9. "I joined the Civil War for the free meals, stayed for the camaraderie."

10. "I may have been on the losing side, but at least I had better dance moves."

Above is Funny civil war sayings.

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Trap sayings and

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