Funny dog sayings about cats

1. "I'm not saying cats are evil, but have you ever seen a cat plot world domination from the top of a refrigerator?"

2. "Cats are like potato chips - you can't have just one, but they're much more likely to scratch you."

3. "Dogs have owners, cats have staff."

4. "Cats are like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're gonna get scratched by."

5. "Cats: the only creatures on earth that can make a cardboard box look like a luxury penthouse."

6. "Dogs may be man's best friend, but cats are definitely the mastermind behind the operation."

7. "Cats are like teenagers - they only come to you when they want something."

8. "Cats: the original stealth ninjas of the animal kingdom."

9. "Dogs chase their tails, cats chase your sanity."

10. "Cats: the reason why 'curiosity killed the cat' is a saying."

Above is Funny dog sayings about cats.

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Sayings and proverbs crossword clue

Actions speak louder than words

Baby shower sign in sayings

1. Welcome to the baby shower! Please sign in and leave your well wishes for the little one.2. Leave your mark and share your love for the new arrival!3. Sign in and sprinkle some love and advice for the parents-to-be.4. Join us in celebrating the upcoming arrival of our little bundle of joy!