Funny doric sayings

Here are some funny Doric sayings:

1. "Ye canna mak a silk purse oot o' a sow's lug." (You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear)

2. "He's as tight as a midgie's bum in a sandstorm." (He's very stingy)

3. "She's got a face like a skelpit erse." (She has a face like a slapped backside)

4. "He's fair dichtit his cairry." (He's cleaned out his wallet)

5. "He's as useful as a chocolate teapot." (He's not very helpful)

6. "She's fair pit the wind up ma sails." (She's annoyed me)

7. "He's aff his heid like a heilan' coo." (He's crazy)

8. "She's as welcome as a fart in a spacesuit." (She's not welcome)

9. "He's as happy as a pig in sharn." (He's very content)

10. "She's as rare as a hens' teeth." (She's very rare)

Above is Funny doric sayings.

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