Funny drunk sayings to cops

I'm not drunk, I'm just practicing my walking skills for a sobriety test.

Officer, I swear I'm not drunk, I'm just celebrating my freedom to stumble around.

If you think I'm drunk, you should see how the lamp post is swaying.

I'm not drunk, I'm just embracing my inner pirate and searching for the treasure map on the sidewalk.

Officer, I'm not drunk, I'm just participating in a field sobriety dance-off.

I may be drunk, but at least I'm not driving a clown car like some people.

I'm not drunk, I'm just experiencing a gravitational pull towards the ground.

Officer, I'm not drunk, I'm just testing the theory of relativity by seeing if time slows down when I walk in a straight line.

I'm not drunk, I'm just conducting a scientific experiment to see how many drinks it takes to make a cop laugh.

Above is Funny drunk sayings to cops.

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