Funny fall quotes sayings

1. "I fell down the stairs today... but I'm still up for a good time!"

2. "I fall so often, I should start a 'trip' advisory service."

3. "Gravity: 1, Me: 0. But I'll bounce back!"

4. "I fall down so much, I should audition for a slapstick comedy."

5. "I don't always fall, but when I do, I make sure it's in public."

6. "I fall for you every time... literally."

7. "I fell for the floor... it was love at first sight."

8. "I'm not clumsy, I'm just testing the durability of the ground."

9. "I fall down, but I get up again... you're never gonna keep me down!"

10. "I'm like a cat... graceful until I fall off the couch."

Above is Funny fall quotes sayings.

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