Funny get well soon sayings

1. "I heard you caught a bug, but don't worry, I'm sure you'll squash it soon!"

2. "Sending you healing vibes and a prescription for lots of laughter!"

3. "I hope you feel better soon, because we've got a lot of mischief to get into!"

4. "Remember, laughter is the best medicine, so I prescribe you a daily dose of funny memes."

5. "Get well soon, so we can go back to making fun of each other in person!"

6. "Just think of this as a forced vacation from adulting - enjoy it while it lasts!"

7. "I'm sorry you're feeling under the weather, but don't worry, I'll bring the sunshine with my hilarious jokes!"

8. "Get well soon, because the world needs your unique brand of weirdness back in action!"

9. "I'm sending you virtual chicken soup and a side of ridiculous jokes to speed up your recovery!"

10. "Get well soon, so we can go back to causing trouble together and blaming it on someone else!"

Above is Funny get well soon sayings.

New year fortune cookie sayings

1. A new year brings new opportunities, seize them with courage and determination.2. Your hard work and perseverance will pay off in the coming year.3. Embrace change and welcome new beginnings in the new year.4. Good fortune will follow you in all your endeavors this year.5. Believe in you

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First native sayings about generosity

One Native American saying about generosity is: Give away what you have. Seek the good of others unselfishly. That is the way of the warrior. Another saying is: Generosity is not giving me that which I need more than you do, but it is giving me that which you need more than I do. These sayings e

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Beautiful girl sayings

1. She is a beautiful soul wrapped in a stunning smile.2. Her beauty is a reflection of her strength and grace.3. She is a rare gem, a true beauty inside and out.4. Her beauty is not just in her appearance, but in the way she carries herself with confidence and kindness.5. She is a masterpi

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1. The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. - Mahatma Gandhi2. No one has ever become poor by giving. - Anne Frank3. We rise by lifting others. - Robert Ingersoll4. The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members. -

Sayings about faults

1. To err is human, to forgive divine.2. Nobody's perfect.3. We all have our faults and flaws.4. Admit your faults to make them disappear.5. It's better to be honest about your faults than to pretend they don't exist.6. Faults are like cracks in a diamond – they make us unique and beautif

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1. Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. - Nelson Mandela2. Bravery is not the absence of fear, but the strength to confront it. - Unknown3. Fortune favors the brave. - Virgil4. Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death. - Omar N. Bradl

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1. I have wondered at times what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the US Congress. - Ronald Reagan2. Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies. - Groucho Marx3. In politi

Best viking sayings

1. Fear not death, for the hour of your doom is set and none may escape it.2. Better to fight and fall than to live without hope.3. A man should be loyal to his friends, but never to his enemies.4. The brave man well shall fight and win, though dull his blade may be.5. The sword is the gift