Funny happy birthday sayings for mom

1. "Mom, you're not getting older, you're just increasing in value like a fine wine. Happy Birthday!"

2. "Happy Birthday to the woman who gave me life, love, and endless amounts of embarrassing stories to tell."

3. "Mom, you're the real MVP for putting up with me all these years. Happy Birthday!"

4. "They say age is just a number, but in your case, it's a really high number. Happy Birthday, Mom!"

5. "Mom, you're like a fine wine - you only get better with age. Cheers to another year of fabulousness!"

6. "Happy Birthday to the woman who birthed me, raised me, and still loves me despite all my quirks. You're a true superhero, Mom!"

7. "Mom, you're not just a year older, you're a year wiser...and a year closer to retirement! Happy Birthday!"

8. "Here's to the woman who taught me how to laugh, love, and live life to the fullest. Happy Birthday, Mom!"

9. "Mom, you're the reason I'm fabulous, funny, and fantastic. Thanks for passing on your amazing genes. Happy Birthday!"

10. "Happy Birthday to the woman who gave me life, love, and the occasional lecture. You're the best, Mom!"

Above is Funny happy birthday sayings for mom.

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