Funny medieval sayings and expressions

1. "A knight in shining armor is a man who has never had his metal truly tested."

2. "Even a dragon will flee when faced with a woman's wrath."

3. "May your enemies be like a castle made of sand - easily washed away by the tide of your courage."

4. "A jest in time saves nine knights from a brawl."

5. "He who lives by the sword shall likely die by the sword, but at least he'll have a sharp wit in the meantime."

6. "Better to have a fool for a lord than a dragon for a neighbor."

7. "A knight without a lady is like a sword without a sheath - dangerous and prone to causing trouble."

8. "In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is probably just a really good archer."

9. "A wise man builds bridges, a fool builds moats. But a truly clever man builds a drawbridge and charges a toll."

10. "When in doubt, blame the court jester - he's used to being the scapegoat."

Above is Funny medieval sayings and expressions.

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