Funny milkshake sayings

1. "I'm not lactose intolerant, I'm just milkshake deficient."

2. "My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, but they have to bring their own straws."

3. "I'm on a strict milkshake diet... it's udderly delicious."

4. "I'm not addicted to milkshakes, I just have a strong dairy air."

5. "I like my milkshakes like I like my jokes - extra shakey."

6. "Milkshakes: the original brain freeze."

7. "Milkshakes are proof that happiness is just a blend away."

8. "I'm not a regular drinker, I'm a milkshake connoisseur."

9. "Milkshakes: the perfect excuse to drink dessert for breakfast."

10. "Life is better with a milkshake in hand... and a napkin nearby."

Above is Funny milkshake sayings.

Funny tough as sayings

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Fremch sayings

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1. Bottoms up!2. Here's to us!3. To good times and great friends!4. Sip, sip, hooray!5. Cheers to the weekend!6. Let's raise a glass!7. Drink up, buttercup!8. Here's to the nights we won't remember!9. To health, wealth, and happiness!10. May your glass always be full!

Basic girl sayings and meaning

1. I can't even: Used to express disbelief or shock about something, often in a dramatic way.2. I'm literally dying: Used to exaggerate a situation or express extreme emotions, usually in a humorous manner.3. I can't even deal: Used to convey frustration or annoyance with a situation or person

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Ancient sayings

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Eckersley sayings

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