Funny moroccan sayings

1. "The one who eats alone, dies alone."

2. "A donkey with a load of books is still a donkey."

3. "If you want to hide something from a Moroccan, put it in a book."

4. "The one who knows how to swim, will drown in a spoonful of water."

5. "A snake that bites you after you've already seen it is your fault."

6. "The one who has a full stomach doesn't understand the one who is hungry."

7. "The one who doesn't have a brain has legs."

8. "The one who has a big mouth has a small brain."

9. "The one who has a big house doesn't have a big heart."

10. "The one who is in a hurry will end up walking."

Above is Funny moroccan sayings.

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