Funny nigerian proverbs and sayings

1. "The lizard that jumped from the high iroko tree to the ground said he would praise himself if no one else did."

2. "No matter how hot your anger is, it cannot cook yam."

3. "The stubborn fly follows the corpse into the grave."

4. "A child who says his mother will not sleep, himself will not sleep."

5. "The frown on the face of the goat will not stop it from being taken to the market."

6. "A bird does not change its feathers because the weather is bad."

7. "The frog does not run in the daytime for nothing."

8. "The chicken that digs for food will not find it in the hawk's nest."

9. "A man who hangs around a beautiful girl without saying a word ends up fetching water for guests at her wedding."

10. "A man who uses his teeth to cut palm-kernel will eventually find out that he is the one who will suffer from a toothache."

Above is Funny nigerian proverbs and sayings.

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1. Renewal requires opening yourself up to new ways of thinking and feeling. - Deborah Day2. Every day is a new beginning, take a deep breath and start again. - Unknown3. Renewal is the essence of life. Embrace it with open arms. - Unknown4. In the midst of winter, I found there was, within m

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1. Soul music is about longevity and reaching and touching people on a human level - and that's never going to get lost. - Mary J. Blige2. Soul music is the language of the spirit. It can touch you in places that you never thought you could be touched. - Stevie Wonder3. Soul music is powerful b

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1. You are capable of achieving great things.2. Believe in yourself and your abilities.3. You are making progress every day.4. Your hard work and dedication will pay off.5. You have the power to overcome any challenge.6. You are strong, resilient, and capable.7. Your positive attitude w

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1. Memories are timeless treasures of the heart.2. In every memory, there is a story worth telling.3. Every memory is a piece of a puzzle that makes up our lives.4. Memories are the key not to the past, but to the future.5. A memory is a photograph taken by the heart to make a special momen

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1. Viaggiare è come sognare: la differenza è che non tutti, al risveglio, ricordano qualcosa, mentre ognuno conserva calda la memoria della meta da cui è tornato. - Edgar Allan Poe2. Chi viaggia vive due volte. - Omar Khayyam3. Il mondo è un libro e chi non viaggia ne legge solo una pagina. -

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1. A tiny miracle is on the way!2. We're adding a little more love to our family.3. Our family is growing by two feet.4. Coming soon: our little bundle of joy.5. We're excited to announce that we're expecting!6. A new adventure is about to begin.7. The best is yet to come - baby on boar

Emojis sayings

1. 🌟 Keep shining bright, even on the darkest days.2. 🌈 Embrace the colors of life and let your true self shine through.3. 🌺 Bloom where you are planted and watch yourself grow.4. 🦋 Let go of what no longer serves you and embrace new beginnings.5. 🌻 Find joy in the little things and let the