Funny ocd sayings

1. "I don't have OCD, I have CDO. It's like OCD, but the letters are in alphabetical order, as they should be."

2. "I'm not OCD, I just like things to be in their proper place... at all times."

3. "I have OCD: Obsessive Christmas Disorder. Everything must be perfectly decorated!"

4. "I'm not OCD, I just have a strong preference for symmetry and order in everything I do."

5. "I'm not OCD, I just like my ducks in a row... and my pencils, and my books, and my shoes..."

6. "I have OCD: Obsessive Coffee Disorder. I must have my coffee in the same mug every morning."

7. "I'm not OCD, I just have a tendency to alphabetize my spice rack... and my DVD collection... and my closet..."

8. "I have OCD: Obsessive Cleaning Disorder. My house may be spotless, but my mind is a mess."

9. "I'm not OCD, I just have a thing for even numbers, straight lines, and perfectly folded laundry."

10. "I have OCD: Obsessive Cat Disorder. My cat's toys must be arranged just so, or chaos ensues."

Above is Funny ocd sayings.

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