Funny ohio sayings

1. "Ohio weather: if you don't like it, just wait five minutes."

2. "In Ohio, we have two seasons: winter and construction."

3. "You know you're from Ohio when you have to explain to people that it's not just a flyover state."

4. "Ohio: where the only thing flatter than the land is the accent."

5. "In Ohio, we measure distance in time, not miles."

6. "Ohio: where the state bird is a construction cone."

7. "You know you're from Ohio when you can drive through all four seasons in one day."

8. "Ohio: where the only thing hotter than the summers are the chili peppers in our skyline."

9. "In Ohio, we don't say 'pop' or 'soda,' we say 'pop.'"

10. "Ohio: where the only thing more unpredictable than the weather is the outcome of the Buckeyes game."

Above is Funny ohio sayings.

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