Funny only child sayings

1. "I'm not spoiled, I'm just well taken care of by my parents."

2. "I may be an only child, but I'm never lonely with all my imaginary friends."

3. "I'm not bossy, I just have better ideas than everyone else."

4. "I don't need siblings to blame things on, I'm perfectly capable of getting into trouble on my own."

5. "I'm not sharing my toys, they're on a strict 'no sibling' policy."

6. "Being an only child means I never have to fight for the last cookie."

7. "I'm the master of the remote control, no sibling negotiations required."

8. "I'm not antisocial, I just prefer the company of adults over kids my own age."

9. "I don't have to worry about hand-me-downs, everything is brand new for me."

10. "I'm not lonely, I'm just practicing my independent play skills."

Above is Funny only child sayings.

Funny afrikaans sayings and quotes

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