Funny pain sayings

1. "Pain is just weakness leaving the body...very, very slowly."

2. "I have a love-hate relationship with pain. I love to hate it."

3. "Pain is like a credit card bill - it always comes due."

4. "Pain is the body's way of saying 'surprise! You're still alive!'"

5. "Pain is temporary, but the memories of me complaining about it will last forever."

6. "I don't always feel pain, but when I do, it's usually in the most inconvenient places."

7. "Pain is the body's way of reminding you that you have a body."

8. "Pain is like a bad joke - it's not funny until it's over."

9. "Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional...but complaining is non-negotiable."

10. "Pain is the best alarm clock - it wakes you up faster than anything else."

Above is Funny pain sayings.

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