Funny police jokes and sayings

1. Why did the police officer go to the baseball game? Because he heard someone had stolen second base!

2. I told the police officer I wasn't speeding, I was just testing my brakes on the road. He didn't find it as funny as I did.

3. Why did the police officer sit on the ladder during his shift? He wanted to be on the lookout!

4. Police officer: "Do you know why I pulled you over?" Driver: "Because you have a quota to meet?" Police officer: "No, because you were driving like a maniac!"

5. I asked a police officer if I could use his handcuffs for a kinky roleplay. He didn't appreciate my sense of humor.

6. Police officer: "Do you have any weapons on you?" Me: "Just my charm and wit." The police officer didn't seem amused.

7. Why did the police officer bring a pencil to the crime scene? To draw his own conclusions!

8. Police officer: "Do you know why I pulled you over?" Me: "Because I was driving too fast?" Police officer: "No, because I wanted to give you this donut I found in your backseat!"

9. Why did the police officer go to the baseball game alone? Because he couldn't find a partner to cover his bases!

10. Police officer: "Do you have any drugs in your car?" Me: "No, but I have some snacks in the glove compartment." The police officer didn't find it as funny as I did.

Above is Funny police jokes and sayings.

Mother's day card sayings for aunt

1. To my amazing aunt on Mother's Day - your love and support mean the world to me.2. Happy Mother's Day to a special aunt who has always been like a second mom to me.3. Thank you for always being there for me, Aunt. You are a true blessing in my life.4. Wishing a wonderful Mother's Day to th

Patriotic norwegian sayings

1. Norge i rødt, hvitt og blått (Norway in red, white, and blue)2. Norsk og stolt av det (Norwegian and proud of it)3. Norge, mitt fedreland (Norway, my fatherland)4. For Norge, kjemp og seir (For Norway, fight and win)5. Norsk er best (Norwegian is the best)6. Norsk flagg i hjertet mitt

Inspirational flower sayings

1. Bloom where you are planted.2. Every flower must grow through dirt.3. In a field of roses, she is a wildflower.4. Life is the flower for which love is the honey.5. Like wildflowers, you must allow yourself to grow in all the places people thought you never would.6. The earth laughs in

Frisian sayings

1. As it de wyn net yn 'e seilen hat, moat it yn 'e mûle wêze. (If the wind is not in the sails, it must be in the mouth.) - This saying emphasizes the importance of using words effectively when actions are not enough.2. Bûter, brea en griene tsiis, wa't dat net sizze kin, is gjin oprjochte Fries

Ncsu wolfpack sayings

1. Go Pack!2. Wolfpack Nation!3. Strength of the Wolf is the Pack.4. Red and White forever!5. Wolfpack pride never dies.6. We bleed red and white.7. Fear the Howl.8. Pack strong, Pack proud.9. Unleash the Pack.10. Wolfpack for life.

Cute football sayings with candy

1. Sweeten the victory with a touchdown!2. Score a sweet treat with a winning goal!3. Satisfy your sweet tooth with a winning play!4. Kick off the game with a candy-coated victory!5. Taste the sweetness of success on the field!6. Winning is sweeter than candy on game day!7. Dribble, pas

Sayings about giving someone a chance

1. Everyone deserves a second chance.2. Give them the benefit of the doubt.3. Don't judge a book by its cover.4. Forgive and forget.5. Open your heart and give them a chance to prove themselves.6. Give them the opportunity to show their true colors.7. Believe in the power of redemption.

Sayings from co mayo

1. Mayo for Sam - a rallying cry for the Mayo Gaelic football team to win the All-Ireland Senior Football Championship.2. As green as Mayo - referring to the lush green countryside of County Mayo.3. Soft day, thank God - a common saying in Mayo to describe typical Irish weather.4. A Mayo man

Jimi hendrix famous sayings

Here are some famous quotes attributed to Jimi Hendrix:1. Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens.2. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.3. I'm the one that's got to die when it's time for me to die, so let me live my life the way I want to.4. Music does

Cake sayings for coworker leaving

1. You can't have your cake and eat it too, but we'll miss you!2. Wishing you a sweet farewell and a slice of success in your new adventure.3. You've been a piece of the team that's made our work life sweeter. Best of luck!4. Leaving is the icing on the cake of your time here. We'll miss you!