Funny prank phone call sayings

1. "Is your refrigerator running? Well, you better go catch it before it gets away!"

2. "Hello, is this the Krusty Krab? No? Well, then where's SpongeBob?"

3. "Hi, is this the police station? I'd like to report a crime... someone stole my heart!"

4. "Is your name Google? Because you have everything I've been searching for."

5. "Do you have Prince Albert in a can? Well, you better let him out before he suffocates!"

6. "Hello, is this the pet store? I need to return this parrot, it won't stop talking about politics!"

7. "Is your refrigerator running? Good, because I'm coming over for dinner!"

8. "Hi, is this the pizza place? I'd like to order a pizza with extra cheese and a side of your best jokes."

9. "Do you have a map? Because I keep getting lost in your eyes."

10. "Is this the bakery? I need to order a cake for my pet rock's birthday party."

Above is Funny prank phone call sayings.

First day of school sayings

1. New year, new adventures!2. Ready to conquer the school year!3. First day, fresh start.4. Let's make this year the best one yet!5. Back to school, back to cool.6. Time to shine in the classroom.7. New school year, new opportunities.8. Excited to learn and grow.9. First day jitter

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1. Why did the chicken join a band? Because it had the drumsticks!2. What do you call a chicken at the North Pole? Lost!3. Why did the chicken cross the playground? To get to the other slide!4. Why did the chicken sit on the clock? To hatch the time!5. What do you get when you cross a chick

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1. Put yourself first and everything else will fall into place.2. It's not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make your happiness a priority. It's necessary.3. Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live. - Oscar Wilde

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1. No snowflake ever falls in the wrong place. - Zen proverb2. In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. - Albert Camus3. Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together. - Vesta M. Kelly4. A snowfla