Funny quotes sayings ali g

Here are some funny quotes and sayings attributed to Ali G:

1. "I is well into science. I is like a scientist, innit. I is like a cross between Einstein and Borat."

2. "Me Julie, she's like a PlayStation 2. She's got two controllers and I can play with her all night long."

3. "I is like a ninja, you know, like a stealth bomber. I is like a stealth bomber, but with bling bling."

4. "I is like a magnet, you know. I attract all the ladies, like a fridge attracts a fat kid."

5. "I is like a philosopher, you know. I is like Socrates, but with a wicked sense of style."

6. "I is like a rapper, you know. I got mad rhymes, like a dictionary on steroids."

7. "I is like a fashion icon, you know. I is like the love child of Versace and Adidas."

8. "I is like a superhero, you know. I is like Batman, but with a tracksuit and a gold chain."

9. "I is like a comedian, you know. I is like Eddie Murphy, but with a dodgy accent."

10. "I is like a genius, you know. I is like Stephen Hawking, but with more street cred."

Above is Funny quotes sayings ali g.

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