Funny quotes sayings bisaya

Here are some funny Bisaya quotes and sayings:

1. "Ang gugma dili ma-explain, ma-feel ra jud." (Love cannot be explained, you just have to feel it.)

2. "Basta bisaya, dili maayo magpangutana, magpataka lang." (Bisaya people don't like to ask questions, they just guess.)

3. "Kung wa kay lingaw, magbinuang nalang." (If you're bored, just act crazy.)

4. "Pero dili man jud kaayo ko maoy, maoy ra jud ko." (I'm not really a crybaby, I just cry a lot.)

5. "Ang gugma murag saging, lisod kalimti." (Love is like a banana, hard to forget.)

6. "Kung wa kay lingaw, magbinuang nalang." (If you're bored, just act crazy.)

7. "Kung magmahay ka, magmahay ka sa una pa lang." (If you're going to regret it, regret it from the start.)

8. "Dili ko maoy, maoy ra jud ko." (I'm not a crybaby, I just cry a lot.)

9. "Kung wa kay lingaw, magbinuang nalang." (If you're bored, just act crazy.)

10. "Basta bisaya, dili maayo magpangutana, magpataka lang." (Bisaya people don't like to ask questions, they just guess.)

Above is Funny quotes sayings bisaya.

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