Funny recovery sayings

1. "Recovery is like riding a bicycle, except the bicycle is on fire and you're in hell."

2. "Recovery: where you realize that 'one day at a time' really means 'one minute at a time'."

3. "Recovery is like a rollercoaster - sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down, but you always end up feeling a little queasy."

4. "In recovery, we don't just survive, we thrive... with a side of sarcasm."

5. "Recovery is like a box of chocolates, except you know exactly what you're going to get - a lot of hard work and a little bit of insanity."

6. "They say laughter is the best medicine, but in recovery, it's more like the only medicine."

7. "Recovery: where you learn to dance in the rain, even when you're knee-deep in mud."

8. "Recovery is like a game of Jenga - one wrong move and everything comes crashing down, but with practice, you learn to rebuild stronger than before."

9. "In recovery, we don't just face our demons, we invite them to tea and make them tell jokes."

10. "Recovery is a journey, and sometimes the road is paved with banana peels... but hey, at least we're not slipping backwards anymore!"

Above is Funny recovery sayings.

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