Funny sayings about beards

1. "A beard is a gift you give your face for being awesome."

2. "Beards make everything better, even Monday mornings."

3. "Behind every great beard is a great man... and probably some food crumbs."

4. "I like my men like I like my coffee - strong, dark, and with a beard."

5. "Beards are the ultimate accessory for a face that means business."

6. "Beard game strong, confidence stronger."

7. "A beard is a man's way of saying, 'I may look rugged on the outside, but I'm a softie on the inside.'"

8. "Life is short, grow a beard."

9. "Beards are like a fine wine - they get better with age."

10. "A man without a beard is like a lion without a mane - incomplete."

Above is Funny sayings about beards.

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