Funny sayings about being sick

1. "I'm so sick, I'm considering changing my name to 'Patient Zero.'"

2. "Being sick is like a free pass to cancel all plans and binge-watch Netflix guilt-free."

3. "I'm not sick, I'm just on a temporary sabbatical from adulting."

4. "I'm so congested, I sound like a mix between Darth Vader and a dying seal."

5. "I'm not contagious, I'm just spreading my love for tissues and cough drops."

6. "Sick days are like mini vacations, except you're stuck in bed and the room service is terrible."

7. "I'm not sick, I'm just auditioning for the role of a zombie in the next apocalypse movie."

8. "I've reached a new level of laziness - I can't even be bothered to fake being well."

9. "Being sick is nature's way of telling you to slow down and appreciate the simple things, like breathing through both nostrils."

10. "I'm so sick, even my immune system has put up the white flag and surrendered."

Above is Funny sayings about being sick.

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