Funny sayings about budweiser beer

1. "Budweiser: the beer that makes you forget you're drinking beer."

2. "Drinking Budweiser is like going on a rollercoaster ride - you never know where you'll end up."

3. "Budweiser: the official sponsor of questionable decisions."

4. "I only drink Budweiser when I want to feel like a champion...of bad decisions."

5. "Budweiser: the beer that's always there for you, even when you wish it wasn't."

6. "Drinking Budweiser is like playing a game of Russian roulette with your liver."

7. "Budweiser: because sometimes you just need a reminder that life could be worse."

8. "I don't always drink beer, but when I do, I prefer to regret it with Budweiser."

9. "Budweiser: the beer that's like a bad ex - you know you shouldn't, but you just can't resist."

10. "Drinking Budweiser is like a comedy show in a bottle - you never know what ridiculousness will come out of it."

Above is Funny sayings about budweiser beer.

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