Funny sayings about champagne

1. "Champagne is the answer. Who cares what the question is?"

2. "I only drink champagne on two occasions: when I'm in love and when I'm not."

3. "Champagne is like duct tape, it fixes everything."

4. "I'm on a champagne diet - I only drink it on days ending in 'y'."

5. "I'm not a regular mom, I'm a cool mom... with a glass of champagne in hand."

6. "Champagne: because no great story ever started with someone eating a salad."

7. "Life is short, drink the champagne."

8. "Champagne is the classy way to say 'I'm celebrating, but I might regret it tomorrow'."

9. "I'm not a regular person, I'm a champagne enthusiast."

10. "Champagne is the bubbly version of therapy."

Above is Funny sayings about champagne.

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