Cool maths sayings

1. "Mathematics is the music of reason." - James Joseph Sylvester

2. "Mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe." - Galileo Galilei

3. "In mathematics, the art of asking the right questions is more valuable than solving problems." - Georg Cantor

4. "Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations, or algorithms: it is about understanding." - William Paul Thurston

5. "Mathematics is the most beautiful and most powerful creation of the human spirit." - Stefan Banach

6. "Mathematics is the key and door to the sciences." - Galileo Galilei

7. "Mathematics is the science of patterns, and nature is the ultimate pattern." - Clifford Pickover

8. "Mathematics is the queen of sciences and number theory is the queen of mathematics." - Carl Friedrich Gauss

9. "Mathematics is the poetry of logical ideas." - Albert Einstein

10. "Mathematics is the foundation of all sciences and the source of all knowledge." - Blaise Pascal

Above is Cool maths sayings.

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