Funny sayings about coronavirus

1. "Quarantine: when you cancel all your plans and discover you were living like a hermit all along."

2. "I never thought the bridge to the outside world would be made of toilet paper."

3. "I've been practicing social distancing my whole life, now it's just official."

4. "I never imagined that my hands would consume more alcohol than my mouth during a pandemic."

5. "I've washed my hands so much, I found a cheat code for the soap dispenser."

6. "I used to cough to cover up a fart, now I fart to cover up a cough."

7. "I've reached the 'I'm so bored I'm considering organizing my sock drawer' stage of quarantine."

8. "I never thought the most valuable thing in my house would be a roll of toilet paper."

9. "I've gone from 'I need to socialize more' to 'I need to socialize less' in record time."

10. "I've realized that my true talent is avoiding people, now it's just a matter of survival."

Above is Funny sayings about coronavirus.

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Sayings about celebrity

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