Funny sayings about crows feet

1. "I've got more crow's feet than a murder of crows!"

2. "My crow's feet are like a roadmap of all the good times I've had."

3. "I've earned these crow's feet, they're my laughter lines!"

4. "My crow's feet are proof that I've smiled my way through life."

5. "I may have crow's feet, but at least I've never lost my sense of humor!"

6. "My crow's feet are like little reminders that life is full of joy and laughter."

7. "I've got enough crow's feet to start my own aviary!"

8. "My crow's feet are like nature's way of showing that I've lived a life worth smiling about."

9. "Who needs Botox when you've got crow's feet as fabulous as mine?"

10. "I've embraced my crow's feet as a sign of a life well-lived and well-laughed."

Above is Funny sayings about crows feet.

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