Funny sayings about having a good time

1. "I'm not a party animal, I'm a party dinosaur - I never go extinct!"

2. "I'm not old, I'm just well-seasoned for a good time."

3. "I'm not a troublemaker, I'm just a fun instigator."

4. "I'm not irresponsible, I'm just making memories."

5. "I'm not a wild child, I'm just a free spirit in need of a good time."

6. "I'm not a party crasher, I'm a party enhancer."

7. "I'm not a rebel, I'm just a rule bender for the sake of fun."

8. "I'm not a trouble magnet, I'm just a magnet for good times."

9. "I'm not a risk-taker, I'm a fun-maker."

10. "I'm not a party animal, I'm a party unicorn - rare and magical!"

Above is Funny sayings about having a good time.

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