Funny sayings about high school graduation

1. "High school graduation is like a diploma for surviving teenage drama."

2. "High school graduation: the only time you'll see a room full of teenagers in caps and gowns instead of hoodies and sneakers."

3. "High school graduation is the ultimate 'I survived' badge for four years of awkwardness and cafeteria food."

4. "High school graduation is like getting a participation trophy for making it through puberty."

5. "High school graduation: where you finally get to say goodbye to homework and hello to adulting."

6. "High school graduation is the moment when you realize you've spent more time in school than you have in the real world."

7. "High school graduation is the official end of the era where your biggest worry was passing a test."

8. "High school graduation is like crossing the finish line of a marathon, except the race was against procrastination and sleep deprivation."

9. "High school graduation: the day when you trade in your backpack for a briefcase and your locker for a cubicle."

10. "High school graduation is the beginning of a new chapter, where the syllabus is life and the exams are unexpected."

Above is Funny sayings about high school graduation.

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