Funny sayings about holidays

1. "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, but if the white runs out, I'll drink the red."

2. "I'm on the naughty list, and I regret nothing."

3. "I'm dreaming of a beach vacation, but my bank account is stuck in a winter wonderland."

4. "The only thing getting 'lit' this holiday season is the Christmas tree."

5. "I'm dreaming of a silent night, but my family is more like a rock band."

6. "I'm dreaming of a stress-free holiday, but my to-do list is longer than Santa's naughty list."

7. "I'm dreaming of a holiday feast, but my pants are already feeling two sizes too small."

8. "I'm dreaming of a winter wonderland, but all I got was a snowball to the face."

9. "I'm dreaming of a holiday miracle, like finding a parking spot at the mall in December."

10. "I'm dreaming of a holiday where I don't have to pretend to like fruitcake."

Above is Funny sayings about holidays.

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