Funny sayings about long distance relationships

1. "Distance makes the heart grow fonder, but it also makes the wallet grow thinner."

2. "In a long distance relationship, you learn to appreciate the little things, like a good WiFi connection."

3. "Long distance relationships are like a game of hide and seek, except you're always seeking each other."

4. "Love knows no distance, but my GPS sure does."

5. "Long distance relationships are like a rollercoaster ride - thrilling, scary, and sometimes you just want to get off."

6. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but it also makes the phone bill grow larger."

7. "In a long distance relationship, the only thing that's close is the deadline for your next visit."

8. "Long distance relationships are like a puzzle - you're missing a piece, but you're still trying to make it work."

9. "Distance means so little when someone means so much, but airline tickets mean a whole lot."

10. "Long distance relationships are like a marathon - it's exhausting, but crossing the finish line together is worth it."

Above is Funny sayings about long distance relationships.

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