Funny sayings about middle school

1. "Middle school: where you're too old to play with toys, but too young to drive a car."

2. "Middle school: where every day feels like a rollercoaster ride of emotions and drama."

3. "Middle school: where the cafeteria food is a mystery and the homework never ends."

4. "Middle school: where your fashion sense is questionable and your awkwardness is at an all-time high."

5. "Middle school: where you learn that passing notes in class is a risky business."

6. "Middle school: where the hallways are filled with more gossip than a soap opera."

7. "Middle school: where you think you're cool one day and a total dork the next."

8. "Middle school: where the struggle to fit in is real, but being yourself is even cooler."

9. "Middle school: where your backpack is heavier than your future."

10. "Middle school: where every crush feels like the end of the world, until the next one comes along."

Above is Funny sayings about middle school.

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