Red head sayings

1. "Redheads do it better."

2. "Kiss a ginger, it's good for your health."

3. "Gingers have more fun."

4. "Red hair, don't care."

5. "Only a ginger can call another ginger ginger."

6. "Redheads are fiery and fierce."

7. "Red hair, don't be scared."

8. "Ginger by choice, fiery by nature."

9. "You can't handle the ginger."

10. "Life's too short to have boring hair."

Above is Red head sayings.

My children sayings

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Army infantry sayings

1. Embrace the suck - Referring to enduring difficult or unpleasant situations with a positive attitude.2. Adapt and overcome - Encouraging soldiers to be flexible and find solutions to challenges.3. Stay low, move fast - Emphasizing the importance of staying safe and agile in combat situation