Funny sayings about santa

1. "Santa Claus has the best job in the world - he only works one day a year!"

2. "Santa Claus knows if you've been bad or good, but he never judges your browsing history."

3. "Santa Claus is so jolly because he knows where all the naughty girls live."

4. "Santa Claus is like a superhero - he knows when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake, and he knows when you've been binge-watching Netflix instead of being productive."

5. "Santa Claus is the original influencer - he's been rocking that red suit and white beard long before it was trendy."

6. "Santa Claus is proof that a man can wear the same outfit every year and still be considered a fashion icon."

7. "Santa Claus is the ultimate multitasker - he manages a workshop, delivers presents to millions of children, and still finds time to eat all those cookies."

8. "Santa Claus is the only man who can rock a belly like a bowl full of jelly and still be considered a style icon."

9. "Santa Claus is living proof that you can eat cookies and milk for dinner and still be considered a role model."

10. "Santa Claus is the only man who can make a list of who's naughty and nice and still be loved by everyone."

Above is Funny sayings about santa.

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