Legal sayings

1. "Ignorance of the law is no excuse."

2. "Justice delayed is justice denied."

3. "Innocent until proven guilty."

4. "The law is a jealous mistress."

5. "Let justice be done though the heavens fall."

6. "A man is innocent until proven guilty."

7. "The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine."

8. "The law is a shield and a sword."

9. "Justice is blind."

10. "Hard cases make bad law."

Above is Legal sayings.

Funny late night diaper sayings

1. Up all night, changing diapers by moonlight.2. Diapers: the ultimate late-night accessory.3. Diaper duty: the graveyard shift of parenting.4. Changing diapers in the dark: a true test of skill.5. Late-night diaper changes: the ultimate sleep deprivation challenge.6. Diapers: the unexpe

Great sayings for whine glasses

1. Sip happens.2. Wine a little, laugh a lot.3. Wine not?4. In wine, there is truth.5. Wine a bit, you'll feel better.6. Wine a little, it'll make you feel better.7. Wine is the answer. What was the question?8. Wine a little, it'll make you feel less whiney.9. Wine a little, it'll m

Math teacher sayings

1. Math is not a spectator sport. You have to get in there and do the work.2. There are no shortcuts in math. You have to put in the time and effort to understand the concepts.3. Mistakes are proof that you are trying. Embrace them and learn from them.4. Mathematics is the language of the uni

Sayings being described as drunk

1. He was as drunk as a skunk.2. She was so drunk, her words were swimming in a sea of alcohol.3. His thoughts were stumbling around like a drunk in a dark alley.4. She was as coherent as a drunk trying to recite the alphabet backwards.5. His actions were as unpredictable as a drunk driver

Earth mother sayings

1. The earth is our mother. We must take care of her as we would our own mother.2. The earth provides for us all, we must show gratitude and respect in return.3. In the arms of the earth mother, we find peace and healing.4. The earth speaks to us in whispers, we must listen with open hearts.

Getting the shot in video sayings

1. Lights, camera, action!2. Rolling!3. Quiet on set!4. Take one, marker!5. And... action!6. Let's get this shot!7. Action, please!8. Camera's rolling, let's do this!9. Ready, set, action!10. Action on my cue!

Sayings for being shot

1. Taking a bullet for someone.2. Caught in the crossfire.3. Hit by a stray bullet.4. Bitten by the bullet.5. Wounded in action.6. Shot down in cold blood.7. Caught in the line of fire.8. Struck by a bullet.9. Falling victim to gunfire.10. In the line of fire.

Examples of antonyms in sayings

1. Out of sight, out of mind (antonym: Absence makes the heart grow fonder)2. Actions speak louder than words (antonym: The pen is mightier than the sword)3. Birds of a feather flock together (antonym: Opposites attract)4. The early bird catches the worm (antonym: Good things come to

One screw loose sayings

1. He's got a screw loose.2. A few screws short of a full set.3. One sandwich short of a picnic.4. Not playing with a full deck.5. A few cards shy of a full deck.6. The elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor.7. A few fries short of a Happy Meal.8. One brick shy of a load.9.

Bee sayings for valentines day

1. Bee mine this Valentine's Day!2. You're the bee's knees, Valentine!3. Let's bee together forever.4. I'm buzzing with love for you, Valentine!5. You make my heart flutter like a bee's wings.6. You're the honey to my bee, Valentine!7. I'm stuck on you like a bee to a flower.8. Our lo