Funny sayings about stealing

1. "If you steal a clean slate, does that make you a klepto-maniac?"

2. "Stealing someone's heart is easy, just don't get caught."

3. "I'm not a thief, I just have a strong borrowing habit."

4. "Stealing someone's thunder is a crime, but stealing their umbrella is just plain rude."

5. "Stealing someone's jokes is like robbing a comedian at gunpoint."

6. "I don't steal, I just have a talent for borrowing things without asking."

7. "Stealing someone's WiFi password is the modern-day equivalent of highway robbery."

8. "Stealing someone's lunch is a crime, but stealing their dessert is just desserts."

9. "Stealing someone's spotlight is easy, just make sure you shine brighter."

10. "Stealing someone's ideas is like plagiarism, but stealing their snacks is just plain hunger."

Above is Funny sayings about stealing.

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