Funny sayings about the rabbit hole
1. "Down the rabbit hole we go, where logic takes a back seat and madness reigns supreme!"
2. "Life is like a rabbit hole, the deeper you go, the more likely you are to find a mad hatter."
3. "In the rabbit hole of life, don't be surprised if you find yourself chasing a white rabbit with a pocket watch."
4. "Down the rabbit hole, where reality is just a suggestion and nonsense is the norm."
5. "Entering the rabbit hole is like stepping into a world where the only rule is that there are no rules."
6. "Beware the rabbit hole, for once you go in, you may never find your way out."
7. "Down the rabbit hole we tumble, where the only certainty is uncertainty."
8. "Life's journey is like a rabbit hole, full of twists, turns, and unexpected surprises."
9. "The rabbit hole is a place where the impossible becomes possible and the absurd becomes reality."
10. "Down the rabbit hole, where the only way out is to embrace the madness and enjoy the ride."
Above is Funny sayings about the rabbit hole.
1. Kia kaha - Stay strong, be brave2. Whāia te iti kahurangi - Pursue excellence3. He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata, he tangata, he tangata - What is the most important thing in the world? It is people, it is people, it is people4. E kore a muri e hokia - What is done cannot be undone5.
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1. Just as the caterpillar transforms into a beautiful butterfly, so too can we be transformed by the renewing of our minds in Christ. - Romans 12:22. Butterflies remind us of the beauty and grace of God's creation, and how He can bring new life and hope into our lives. - Psalm 27:133. Like a b