Funny sayings about truth

1. "The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off."

2. "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose, it will defend itself."

3. "The truth is rarely pure and never simple."

4. "The truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't."

5. "The truth may hurt for a little while, but a lie hurts forever."

6. "The truth is like a rubber band – it might sting at first, but it always bounces back."

7. "The truth is like a surgery. It hurts but cures. A lie is like a painkiller. It gives instant relief but has side effects forever."

8. "The truth is a powerful weapon, use it carefully."

9. "The truth is like a diamond – beautiful and valuable, but sometimes hard to find."

10. "The truth is like a mirror; you can try to hide it, but it will always reflect back to you."

Above is Funny sayings about truth.

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Dmv sayings

1. No smiles at the DMV, just paperwork.2. The DMV: Where time stands still.3. DMV: Where patience is tested.4. DMV: Where lines are long and tempers are short.5. At the DMV, expect the unexpected.6. DMV: Where your day goes to die.7. DMV: The ultimate test of endurance.8. DMV: Where

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1. Chi va piano, va sano e va lontano. (Who goes slowly, goes safely and goes far.)2. Meglio un giorno da leone che cento da pecora. (Better one day as a lion than a hundred as a sheep.)3. L'occasione fa l'uomo ladro. (Opportunity makes the man a thief.)4. Il denaro non fa la felicità. (Mone

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1. Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first. - Ernestine Ulmer2. Stressed spelled backwards is desserts. Coincidence? I think not! - Unknown3. Dessert is like a feel-good song, and the best ones make you dance. - Chef Edward Lee4. There's always room for dessert. - Unknown5. Dessert is a fairy

Sayings using the word bones

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Bullseye programme sayings

1. Aim small, miss small.2. Hit the mark, win the prize.3. Bulls-eye, right on target!4. Precision and focus lead to success.5. Keep your eye on the prize and hit the bullseye.6. Center your aim, hit the bullseye every time.7. Bullseye: where skill meets opportunity.8. In the game of