Funny sayings bowling quotes funny

1. "Bowling is a sport where you can make a strike and still look like you have no idea what you're doing."

2. "Bowling: the only sport where you can eat nachos and still feel like an athlete."

3. "I bowl because punching people is frowned upon."

4. "Bowling is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get... but hopefully it's a strike."

5. "Bowling: where you can wear ugly shoes and still be considered stylish."

6. "I may not be the best bowler, but at least I make the pins feel important."

7. "Bowling is the perfect combination of skill, luck, and trying not to embarrass yourself in front of your friends."

8. "Bowling is a great way to practice your anger management skills... especially when you keep getting gutter balls."

9. "Bowling: the only time it's acceptable to aim for the gut."

10. "I bowl because it's cheaper than therapy... and more fun!"

Above is Funny sayings bowling quotes funny.

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