Funny sayings by seals about snow

1. "Snow way I'm going back in the water, it's too cold!"

2. "I'm flippin' freezing out here, someone get me a seal-skin coat!"

3. "Snow problem, I'll just chill here and soak up the sun."

4. "I'm snow tired of this white stuff, I need a beach day ASAP."

5. "Snow way this is fun, I'd rather be sliding on ice."

6. "I'm snow joke, I'm the coolest seal on the block."

7. "Snowbody can resist my adorable snow angel impression."

8. "I'm on thin ice with this snow, but I'm still seal-ing the show."

9. "Snow much for a relaxing day, I'm all flippers and no fun."

10. "I'm snow excited for summer, I can't wait to bask in the sun again!"

Above is Funny sayings by seals about snow.

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Sayings app

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