Funny sayings cleaning

1. "Cleaning the house is like shoveling snow while it's still snowing."

2. "I clean because I'm a neat freak, not because I enjoy it. There's a difference."

3. "Cleaning is just putting stuff in less obvious places."

4. "My house isn't messy, it's just a 'controlled chaos' situation."

5. "Cleaning is a never-ending battle between me and the dust bunnies."

6. "I clean so rarely that when I do, it's considered a major event."

7. "Cleaning is my cardio workout. Who needs a gym membership?"

8. "I don't have a cleaning schedule, I have a 'clean it when it starts to smell' policy."

9. "Cleaning is like a horror movie - you think you've defeated the mess, but it always comes back for a sequel."

10. "I clean so that when guests come over, they think I have my life together."

Above is Funny sayings cleaning.

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