Funny sayings for dish it out but not

1. "I can dish it out, but I can't take it to the kitchen."

2. "I'll dish it out, but I won't do the dishes."

3. "I'm good at dishing it out, but I draw the line at washing up."

4. "I'll serve up the sass, but I won't serve up the plates."

5. "I'm all about dishing it out, but I'm not on the menu."

6. "I'll dish it out like a pro, but I'll leave the cleanup to someone else."

7. "I'm the queen of dishing it out, but I'm not the maid."

8. "I'll dish it out with a side of sarcasm, but I won't be doing any dishes."

9. "I'm great at dishing it out, but I'm not a dishwasher."

10. "I'll dish it out like a chef, but I won't be washing any pots and pans."

Above is Funny sayings for dish it out but not.

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