Keep calm minion sayings

1. "Banana! Keep calm and carry on."

2. "Minion motto: Keep calm and keep smiling."

3. "Minion wisdom: Keep calm and eat bananas."

4. "Minion mantra: Keep calm and be mischievous."

5. "Minion advice: Keep calm and dance like nobody's watching."

6. "Minion philosophy: Keep calm and embrace the chaos."

7. "Minion reminder: Keep calm and remember, it's all just bananas."

8. "Minion encouragement: Keep calm and be a little silly."

9. "Minion affirmation: Keep calm and stay positive."

10. "Minion reminder: Keep calm and remember, we're all in this together."

Above is Keep calm minion sayings.

Guys tee shirt sayings

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