Funny sayings from old police detectives

1. "I've been solving crimes since before you were born, kid. And I've still got a few tricks up my sleeve."

2. "Back in my day, we didn't have fancy gadgets and computers to crack cases. We relied on good old-fashioned detective work."

3. "I've seen more crooks than you've had hot dinners, and let me tell you, they all make the same mistakes."

4. "If I had a dollar for every suspect who thought they could outsmart me, I'd be a rich man. But they always slip up in the end."

5. "The key to being a good detective is knowing when to trust your gut instinct. And my gut hasn't steered me wrong yet."

6. "I may be old, but I've still got a sharp eye for detail. Nothing gets past me."

7. "In this line of work, you learn to expect the unexpected. And let me tell you, I've seen some things that would make your hair stand on end."

8. "They say experience is the best teacher, and I've got more experience than most. That's why I always get my man."

9. "You can't fool an old detective like me. I've heard every lie in the book, and I can spot a fib a mile away."

10. "They call me 'The Hound' for a reason. Once I get a scent, I never let go until I've caught my prey."

Above is Funny sayings from old police detectives.

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