Funny sayings in arabic

1. "الضحك يطيل العمر والبرد يقصره" (Laughter lengthens life, while cold shortens it)

2. "الضحك على النفس دواء" (Laughing at oneself is a remedy)

3. "الضحك من غير سبب دليل على الجنون" (Laughing without reason is a sign of madness)

4. "الضحك بلا سبب مثل البكاء بلا دموع" (Laughing without reason is like crying without tears)

5. "الضحك يطرد الهموم ويجلب السعادة" (Laughter drives away worries and brings happiness)

Above is Funny sayings in arabic.

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Cake goodbye sayings

1. Farewell, sweet cake! You will be missed.2. Goodbye, delicious cake. Until we meet again.3. Parting is such sweet sorrow, especially when it involves cake.4. As I bid adieu to this cake, I am filled with bittersweet emotions.5. Goodbye, cake. You brought joy to my taste buds and will be

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1. As rare as rocking horse droppings2. Scarcer than hen's teeth3. Scarce as hen's teeth4. As rare as a blue moon5. Scarce as hens' teeth6. As rare as a unicorn7. As scarce as gold dust8. As rare as a four-leaf clover9. As rare as a diamond in the rough10. As scarce as hen's teeth

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Dog picture frames with sayings

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Keith lemon sayings on celebrity juice

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