Funny sayings with the word orange

1. "Orange you glad I didn't say banana?"

2. "I'm feeling a little 'orange' you glad to see me?"

3. "Orange you glad we're not talking about apples?"

4. "I'm not a morning person, I'm an 'orange' person."

5. "Orange you glad I'm not a fruit loop?"

6. "I'm not just any fruit, I'm the 'orange' in the room."

7. "I'm not a regular fruit, I'm a cool 'orange'."

8. "Orange you glad I'm not a lemon?"

9. "I'm not just any color, I'm 'orange-tastic'."

10. "I'm not just a fruit, I'm the 'orange' of the crop."

Above is Funny sayings with the word orange.

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