Funny sign quotes and sayings

1. "I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right."

2. "I'm not lazy, I'm in energy-saving mode."

3. "I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing."

4. "I'm not short, I'm fun-sized."

5. "I'm not clumsy, it's just the floor hates me."

6. "I'm not a control freak, but can I show you the right way to do that?"

7. "I'm not a morning person, don't talk to me until my coffee does."

8. "I'm not weird, I'm limited edition."

9. "I'm not a shopaholic, I'm helping the economy."

10. "I'm not bossy, I just have better ideas."

Above is Funny sign quotes and sayings.

Age of empires unit sayings

1. Villager: Ready, ready.2. Scout: I'm on it.3. Infantry: For honor and glory!4. Archer: My bow is ready.5. Cavalry: Ride on!6. Siege Engine: Target in sight.7. Monk: I bring salvation.8. Warship: Prepare the cannons.9. Trade Cart: I'll make the delivery.10. King: Long live the k

Birthday wishes for fiance sayings

1. Happy birthday to my incredible fiance! You bring so much joy and love into my life, and I am grateful to have you by my side.2. On your special day, I want to remind you how much you mean to me. You are my rock, my partner, and my best friend. Happy birthday, my love!3. To the love of my li

Loss of a sister sayings

1. Gone but never forgotten, forever in our hearts.2. A beautiful soul taken too soon, may you rest in peace.3. In loving memory of a dear sister, your light will always shine.4. The bond we shared can never be broken, even in death.5. Though you are no longer with us, your spirit lives on

Sayings of the prophet elijah

One saying attributed to the Prophet Elijah is: The Lord, the God of Israel, lives, before whom I stand. This phrase is often associated with Elijah's unwavering faith and dedication to God.

What are some 50th birthday sayings

1. Fifty and fabulous!2. Aged to perfection at 50.3. Fifty and fearless!4. Half a century never looked so good.5. 50 is the new 30!6. Embracing 50 with style and grace.7. Fifty and thriving!8. Living my best life at 50.9. 50 years young and still going strong.10. Cheers to 50 year

Sayings about video

1. A picture is worth a thousand words, but a video is worth a million.2. In a world full of distractions, a video can capture and hold our attention like nothing else.3. A well-crafted video can tell a story in a way that words alone cannot.4. Videos have the power to evoke emotions, inspire

Sayings when a woman is angry she ignores you

When a woman is angry, silence speaks louder than words.When a woman is angry, her silence is deafening.When a woman is angry, her silence is a powerful statement.When a woman is angry, her silence is a warning sign.When a woman is angry, her silence is a form of self-protection.

Cooking show sayings

1. Let's get cooking!2. A pinch of this, a dash of that.3. Time to turn up the heat!4. Sizzle and stir, that's the way to go.5. Cooking is love made edible.6. Taste as you go, adjust as needed.7. The secret ingredient is always love.8. Don't be afraid to get a little messy in the kitc

Sayings about heros

1. Not all heroes wear capes.2. A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.3. A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.4. Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the powers th

Sayings on brahmin

1. The Brahmin is the one who is pure in thought, word, and deed.2. The Brahmin is like a lotus flower, untouched by the mud of the world.3. The Brahmin is the keeper of knowledge and wisdom, guiding others on the path of righteousness.4. The Brahmin's words are like honey, sweet and soothing